Sunday, February 28, 2010

Plumber Wyatt

We have taken Wyatt's shirt off to eat meals since he starting eating table food. He is an extremely messy eater and I just do not want to have stains on every outfit. When he is done eating he is rinsed off and then put down to run around and play. We usually leave his shirt off,unless we plan on going somewhere. That is until he starting taking his clothes off. For some reason if he does not have a shirt on he will take the rest of his clothes off. I said I would never put a picture of my child's naked bootie up but I can't help myself. Vincent and I were eating dinner and not paying attention to what Wyatt was doing, and then we walked in to (the top picture) of a naked child. Wyatt acted as if he had no idea why we were laughing. It is amazing how children are not one bit self conscious when they are naked. He does everything naked that he would do clothed. So funny!!!


Vanessa said...

Wow. There is just nothing cuter. I love these.

The Hadfields said...

what a cute naked bootie!!

Shannon said...

Hey there is nothing wrong with a little naked booty now and then! I love it!
And Becky, Wyatt is too cute.

Anonymous said...

Love these pictures! They just don't have any inhibition yet. Rad "flashes" anyone he can.

Morgan Holt said...

HA! Thanks for the laugh this morning! I totally need it! Emmersen woke up with pink eye and Clara has a snotty nose. Both are acting awful b/c they don't feel well! Welcome to Monday morning, huh?!? Wyatt might not approve of these pictures being on the internet though when he gets older! :)