Monday, August 4, 2008

Sunday before church

Before church on Sunday Vincent took some really cute pictures of Wyatt. I was really wanting Vincent to be trying to get the baby to take a nap before church but instead he was taking pictures which now I am happy about but yesterday I was not so happy about it. The wierd looking objects holding Wyatt up are Vincent's feet. They look so odd in these pictures.


The Hadfields said...

Ohhh,, I love pic #2!! Precious!!

Vanessa said...

Hi is getting cuter and cuter everyday. I love his sweet little smile. Vincent has always done weird stuff like that with his feet (which takes us back to the pic of him climbing like a monkey on the tree...that was hilarious). Can't wait to see all of you this weekend!

Morgan Holt said...

HA! I didn't even notice that his feet were holding him up until you said something. He's got a good grip with those feet. Not sure I could have done that. They are very cute pictures!

mom said...

That second picture is a keeper. I don't know how to photoshop the third world monkey feet out, but Wyatt is so cute, I can overlook them.

Anonymous said...

That second picture is so good! Josh and I both love it! We are really looking forward to seeing you all this weekend.

Seth said...

Just saw your blog from Karina's. Cute pictures (though I guess I'm partial to Radnor). Tell Vince I said, "Hey." and hope to see him sometime.

Varner said...

Very cute pictures. He has such a sweet smile.

Lindy said...

looooove the pics of wyatt smiling! he is soooo cute! I see a lot of vince in him :0) ps, you are getting great at posting a lot of pics, keep up the good work!

Mindy said...

he looks so adorable! I love the one of him smiling. Send me the actual image of these so I can print them off and pic one to frame. I love the one of his face with vincents feet, but I dont want vincents feet in the frame so no go on that one. Send me all though-I can photo shop!

Teresa said...

So cute! He's getting so big!